The End We Start From | Film Info | The Cinema in The Power Station
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The End We Start From

The End We Start From
Screening Times

    “Jodie Comer is a beacon of light at the end of the world. The actor is the beating heart of a film that looks at the momentous decision to love and raise a life in the face of disaster.”
    ★★★★ Ella Kemp, London Evening Standard

    “Comer’s vulnerability and idealism are authentic as are her determination and a dash of real ruthlessness... She carries everything with unselfconscious strength and style”
    ★★★★ Peter Bradshaw, Guardian

    “It’s nourishing, frequently moving, and ends with heroic understatement, where a cruder film would have gone all out for the heartstrings.”
    ★★★★ Tim Robey, Daily Telegraph

    “The movie’s other strength, besides Comer, is the realism it finds in environmental catastrophe.”
    ★★★★ Kevin Maher, Times

    “The End We Start From eschews epic special effects in favour of an intimate, close-up immediacy.”
    ★★★★ Neil Smith, Total Film